sembreak started already ~
welcome back,my lovely sembreak
love u~~~~~
Erm,...plan to do something special in this sembreak ..
any suggestion? haha :D
lol, my last sembreak almost FAIL
just ....sleep+waked up+eat+wasted time
So this sem i plan to do.......
1: design 5 character for (smth special for me*,you know wat i mean) haha
2: design my own t-shirt :D plan to do this since visual communication class started,and it's look fun! haha..but i'm not going to sell it..haha,feel paiseh..and i'm not that PRO..so,it actually just for fun
3: pratice portrait !!! Omg >< already 3 month didn't draw and yea, i want draw them..promise them already >< who? hehe,not going to tell you :P
4: ignore this pls....haha,coz sure kena shoot one..I WANT KEEP FIT ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!